Real Man.

“If a man has no clear understanding of himself, can’t cultivate you, protect you and he’s not in God’s presence; then it’s good for that man to be alone”. - Myles Monroe
Real Man:

Gen 2: 15-16.

A Real man has a clear understanding of his self-image & confidence in God,
A Real man knows he’s not a replication of anything/anybody,
A Real man is found in the Presence of God (Eden) - Lady, not anywhere else,
A Real men works- he’s hardworking and knows what’s required of him,

 A Real man cultivates you- lady a real man should improve you and increase your value,
A Real man is a protector- You wanna abandon her? You aint no man,
A Real man doesn’t rape, violate his woman, commit incest on his little girl, or sodomize his son,
A Real man protects- Lady, don’t marry a man who can’t protect you,

 A Real man will teach you God’s word,
A Real man is a giver and a teacher- he’s not afraid you’ll see him worship,
A Real man has a deeper desire to know Him better,  
A Real man is a worshipper- David, Abraham, Moses were real men; real worshippers,

If a man has no clear understanding of himself,
If a man can’t cultivate you,
If a man can’t protect you,
If a man can’t teach you the word,
If that man has no vision and no plan for his life- then lady (Helper), you can’t help on nothing,



Mamma, Those Hands

Mamma; Those Hands
Look at those hands, aint they beautiful?
Everyone stares at them and calmly whispers, 'you got beautiful hands,'
Similar in different ways yet so unique all together,
Embracing other hands in unity amidst adversities,
Those hands have learnt to hold other hands, interlocked like a beautiful zipper of prayer,
Hands made in the image of God to embrace and show love,
Those hands are brilliant, holding the sick and sharing in their pain,
Touching the old and tenderly holding young ones,
Communicating with other hands in ways too deep to understand,
Those hands are the bravest and sweetest,
They are the maps and compasses that help us navigate the path of life,
Bold enough to face any challenge that comes their way,
Hands made in the image of God to embrace and show love,
Gone through fierce fire and left with only darks marks to show,
Wiping the tears thereof while still determined to climb up the ladder,
Those hands  work smart amidst all odds to achieve a better future for us,
Open to receive rosses of life while still ready to make lemonades if need be,
Those hands have set ten thousand supper tables yet still more strength lies in there,
Those hands restore hope to the hopeless and offer a home to the homeless,
Hands made in the image of God to embrace and show love,
Mamma those hands I adore,
Your hands have been a pillar of strength in our family,
Hands that never give up on us,
Mamma, those hands are beautiful and they will forever be,

Your daughter's left hand scribing,

One Mix

One Mix
She's writing this hoping you will read it someday,
And as she does this; her heart desires to see you one day,
But she's afraid her scars will be peeled afresh and so she'd rather not see you,  
Her  tears have dried up and she's no longer depressed,
And so she writes this with a sober mind and an objective spirit,
she writes hoping that you will hear her,
That Friday evening that you squeezed her hand,
 And for some reasons she was convinced,
In need for approval, acceptance and love, she fell for it,  
One kiss, one touch, one bed and two fallen souls found in one mix,
Her  innocence vanished; but more crucial her intimacy with God faded away,
she had become a culprit; trapped and entangled in sin,
And as she picked her pants from the floor; her soul felt empty than before,
Darkness felt thicker and her face coiled with shame,
She felt vulnerable and for the first time in her entire life; she was dying,
Our Heavenly Father chose her to live his word that dwelled in her,
But she chose to sin in secret and this will soon be reflected in her body,
She became a victim of her own decisions,
She felt lost and her eyes blurred; she couldn't see the light,

As she walked home in total despair; she desired to be free,
she's never prayed a prayer as hard as she did that night; pleading for his mercy,
She had lived dead for so long and the act that night was only a reflection of her inner death,
And as she helplessly fell on her shaky knees, she felt his mercy and grace touch her watery face,
At that point, she re-dedicated her life to God and was filled with zoe.
Briana has found her Identity in Christ; and she prays that you too will be found.

She's firmly grown in Faith,
Each day her heart's desire has been, 'Give me you, everything else can wait....'
Her baby girl conceived that night; now three years old is in good health.
She's always teaching her the ways of the Lord.

Key Lesson: God's unconditional love and forgiveness in our lives is immeasurable.
Sin has consequences irrespective of God's saving grace.
To be continued.....


Rightful Thinking

You make your life through your thoughts; make it well. My grandma used to say this countless times such that it became a saying that ...