Please Pass Me The Salt.

Please pass me the salt.

Does anyone even know that you are a believer?
Do they even have a glimpse of your faith?
Do they have an idea of how your walk of faith has been lately?
Or is it only those that you go to church with?
At your workplace, school, home, do your actions portray or betray him?
Coz you might be the only example they have to know Christ!
Can they even substantiate the difference between your actions and theirs?

 See, the issue is you’re neither hot nor cold and am afraid he’s about to spit you out!
And you wonder why they look at you and despise the reality of Christianity!
Coz the huge gap between you and who you claim to be keeps glaring and widening!
You are a seed sown to season tasteless lives as you walk the talk,
When their loved ones are no more, in despair and hopelessness,
Can they approach you in believe that you will probably pray for them and ignite the healing process in their lives?

When they invite you for 'fun moments', do you still feel persuaded to follow?
Are you ashamed of declaring that your body is his temple to be kept holy for his glory?
See, like salt, you are called to retain your taste while still passing it to the rest of the world,
You are called to be medicinal; to preserve lives and deter decay,
And you wonder why the emergence of camouflaged “body of Christ”- the church?
Coz you are too worried about others’ opinions that you forget your essence for existence.
You are the salt of the earth,
Called to revive lives with a touch of his amazing love and mercy,
You are called to restore- to call back those lives in drugs and sexual addictions into his palace,

Called to guide and protect,
Protect those new born babies in faith while guiding them in the way of the Lord,
You are called to pass the salt into their lives and let them see the Christ in you,
Christ didn’t stretch out his life on the cross in hiding,
He did it openly and in daylight for all to see, yet our testimonies of his redemption lay low in silence,
Would you therefore stand tall and let him be known; let your actions and words walk in harmony,
In confidence let the world know that you were indeed redeemed,
For while we were still sinners, Christ died for us,
Jesus is counting on you big time,

Would you now please pass me the salt,

My Golden Key

My Golden Key
Life wouldn’t be any better,
Without you it can only feel worse further,
See how you bring all the difference by filling it with laughter!
With all honesty I must confess that it feels jovial and sweeter!
You fill my spirit with sheepish smiles,
You make my steps easier through the tough miles,
You rest my swollen eyes from long cries,
Always helping me see the stars up my skies,
Like a key that can only unravel a specific lock,
My dreams you unlatch,
A golden key that feels like an immovable rock,
A rare key that has turned out to be a sure mark,
You are the only key that can access the goodies in my soul,
Before you came into the picture life felt fowl,
Like a bad omen is to an owl,
 You are irresistible my love and with you, life’s cool,
And I now confidently know you are the one,
With you I deliberately choose to dine,
We both know that times have been tricky and almost like acne,
But we also know our love has grown stronger and divine,
You are adorable to my breath,
The only one who firmly holds my heart beneath,
Your calm and truthful spirit is of great worth,
I’m moved by how much you care about my health!
Your zeal to love I appreciate,
A risky decision yet with boldness and courage,
That tender squeeze that you generously give does wonders,
Always fulfilling and a craving desire for more,
You have become more than just a friend,
For your laughter and a heart so mild to me is more than gold,
The pat on my back that speaks louder in storms of thick cloud,
Now you know you’re always on my mind,
I love spending quality time with you,
I enjoy the deep feelings I have for you but even more what glues us together,
Always wishing more time was available for- just me and you,
You make me better by bringing out the best in me,
Those simple dates you surprise me with,
Those assuring words that you whisper into my ears,
Those stares in your zealously- chiseled eyes that say that you really care,
Those things I treasure my dove,
And so I’m not losing this key,
I will guard it will all vigilance,
I will tie it close to my heart- from whereth flows the springs of life,
So  Help me God!



You always feel the same way,
Regardless of place, age, gender or even social class,
Forever sorrowful and extremely agonizing,
The ugly and huge gap you aggressively create amidst us,
You fill our eyes with bitterness and sorrowful tears,
Breaking us to pieces that will never be recollected,
Our hearts agonize and cry restlessly,
The unbearable pain of separation kills us slowly,
You stab our hearts with a crave to harm us,
Our weak bodies shiver with pain of their loss,
And for no good reason, we never know how much we love them until they’re gone;
Crushing our feeble hearts into ashes,
You always feel the same way,
Regardless of place, age, gender or even social class,
Glaring images of them fill our intangible eyes;
A painful wish to enjoy their presence one more time,
The bitter truth echoes that we will never see them again;
Treasuring their moments remains our only bitter choice,
You painfully deprive us the love of our lives,
The only opportunity for our happiness,
The crave to embrace them and behold their kisses,
The desire to smile back with love irresistible,
Only to realize those bright days are long gone with the wind;
Exchanged with dark gloomy days full of agony and tears surround us,
You always feel the same way,
Regardless of place, age, gender or even social class,
The beauty of oneness is no more,
The laughter of joy and passion for life remains a puzzle,
Their absence yells loud in our midst;
The empty wish to see them will never die in our hearts,
And now we know; nothing good will ever come out of you;
You are the deadly monster that we dread,
But hear this clear from a butchered heart that no longer dreads you,
You are a looser and for this reason we rejoice,
We rejoice and our joy is complete,
Yes their bodies are lifeless and deep down buried,
But their souls you have no power over,
You always feel the same way,
Regardless of place, age, gender or even social class,
However we rejoice coz we know they are safe,
We rejoice because our union will soon be realized,
And forever we shall rule over you,
Don't you know you are defeated?
Yes you are,
Now and forever!

Rightful Thinking

You make your life through your thoughts; make it well. My grandma used to say this countless times such that it became a saying that ...