If you have been around women of faith and Christian circles then you must have heard about her_ the Proverbs 31 Woman,

She is a gem, a sacred vessel and a phenomenal woman who doesn’t even seem to struggle being these things,
She is perfection in its entirety; I mean she must be so skilled and eloquent to trade in the market place,
She is strong, refined, multi talented and trusted; her husband and children praise her; I hope for these kind of praises when this man finally finds me,

She has inspired many and through her, inspirational books, conferences and teachings have emerged with many emulating her; and sometimes to women like me she revives feelings of guilt,

This woman doesn’t seem to sleep, she is all devoted and tirelessly working for her household; from sewing garments to planting a vineyard that she’s already identified and bought,
I imagine the rest of Jewish women reciting her wisdom and works in their homes every eve of the Sabbath while young girls sit around the fire place in the kitchen right after their chores for compulsory teachings,

I imagine her being sought after by her neighbours for wise counsel; she is unruffled and a woman of few words who is keen to listen and thereafter giving some prudence,

How can she even laugh (of course with etiquette) at the time to come while I apprehend at the future and my cheeks are filled with goosebumps?
She is fearless and composed; she is clearly prepared for the future_ I mean she’s been working day and night!
She has resisted seductions and repulsion of the day to focus on the needs of those who matter_ her family,

She is a wife of noble character and her description isn’t close to those who associate feminism with weakness and inadequacy,

She is calm, gentle and dignified; she is deliberate in her decisions and her personality isn’t swayed around by the winds that blow; she simply exhibits grace,
While I seem to apologise every day after throwing tantrums in the heat of the moment and allowing my emotions to rule_ thank God for grace,  

As I read through this epilogue I can’t help but think;  who is this woman who makes me feel like I have been in a femininity fight and  lost hands down!
I tend to imagine there was Proverbs 32 with a similar checklist for our dear men but the transcriber seems to have lost that part of the scroll,

But then just before I give up; I realize that the portrait of the virtuous woman flows from within her soul; not because of her accomplishments or the outward beauty_ and for that she is a superwoman,

She draws her strength from the Giver of them all; she categorically understands that charm is deceitful and beauty is vain but a woman who fears the Lord shall be praised,
Then my soul found peace,

I no longer stick myself against her as a measuring stick; and her achievements no longer haunt me!
I now see her as a friend, who points us to the Farmer who sows the WORD; knowing that I am Work In Progress,
For there is Honour and Strength for every woman who walks humbly with God; and undoubtedly for every man who does the same,

Until next time, please don’t be too picky on her
She is trying to be the BEST she can possibly be with the grace given to her.


Rightful Thinking

You make your life through your thoughts; make it well. My grandma used to say this countless times such that it became a saying that ...